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Mailbox View

The mailbox view is perhaps the most complicated of all the views. It has its own special command that can appear in the URL (listfrom) and quite a few tags.

The most important tag is the [mailbox]...[/mailbox] block. It is processed once for each message that will be displayed. Within that block, there are several tags that can be used to display parts of the message header. The most important are [subject] and [msgno], which output the message's subject line and message number, respectively.

The listfrom And maxmsgs Commands

The listfrom command is very important for allowing the user to traverse the mailbox. This command can appear in any URL that references mailbox.remotemail. It adjusts the message pointer, which determines which message will be displayed first in the mailbox. The listfrom command's value can be in any of these forms:

Sets the pointer to the first message. On most servers this is the oldest message.
Sets the pointer to display the last messages. On most servers these are the most recent messages.
Moves the pointer forward the indicated number of messages. If no number is given, then the pointer is moved maxmsgs messages. E.g., listfrom=f20 will put the mailbox forward 20 messages. Any attempt to move past the end of the mailbox will result in an "End of messages" error.
Rewinds the pointer the indicated number of messages. If no number is given, the maxmsgs value is used.
Sets the pointer to the indicated message.

The maxmsgs command determines how many messages will be displayed in the mailbox. If the maxmsgs command is missing, then the configuration value for default-mailbox-length is used. The command takes the form of "maxmsgs=number". This value can be retrieved with the [maxmsgs] tag, which allows you to "carry forward" a non-default value from one mailbox screen to the next.

Supported Tags

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